So, as a girl with an impending wedding, I’m sure that post title is not a shock to any of you.
If you’re wondering if “Lose weight” or “Get Fit” or “Work out more” was a part of my New Years resolutions, I can tell you that…. no, no they weren’t. I hate resolutions in general. I feel like they’re something people make just to say they’ve done and then ignore for 11 months only to look back, feel guilty and resolve to do it all over again.
I do not make resolutions. If you follow my author blog, you’ll see that I do make goals. And I make them monthly. The reason I don’t post my non-writing goals on the interwebs is because they’re kind of boring. Things like “figure out what to do with the problem corner” and “actually remember to call x person on their birthday” (I am rubbish at that last bit.)
But I do have some work out goals or plans and I decided I’d share them with you.
- 1 mile walk (with or without the dog – with takes a lot longer because she likes to sniff at EVERYTHING) 4 times a week.
- 40 minutes of Yoga 5 times a week
- 45 minute cardio session 1 a week
I realize these are not lofty goals, but they’re better than nothing.
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