Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Random Stuff From my Brain (2/52)

It’s the second full week of the year, and I’m still drinking a ridiculous amount of tea. (Huge surprise, I know – I’ve got a cup at my elbow as I write this now.)

Friend Alison pointed me toward a tumbler account, and – neurotic cleaner that I am – I’ve fallen in love. The tumbler is UnF*ckYourHabitat and it is a marvelous thing. Super motivating. And lots of before and after pictures, plus a solid plan for how to get yourself to living a less messed-up life.

Earl’s on the pager this week, so that means lots of stressful checking of the second phone… and no chance of going out at all until Friday. Mostly I’m missing the fact we can’t do long dog walks in the evenings.

Also, because I posted a picture on another blog Monday, my mother has discovered we have the same 365 tear-away calendar! The New Wordeach day one. Which is a fun little thing. I got mine from Earl’s dad as part of Christmas, and… well, I don’t know where she got hers, but I do think that’s pretty awesome.

I – the world’s worst phone-call maker EVER – finally got a call in to Lucy’s groomer. I should really just set up a recurring appointment. But my scruffy little ewok is going to get her crazy long hair dealt with! Just not this week… next.

And we’ve been going through the loads of Top Gear episodes on Hulu we haven’t watched yet – and some of the ones we’ve already seen too. They’re great for when you’re doing other things.

And here we have a look at my River Song hair.

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