The BR Version:
Watching this series as a child, I was always a little
scared of Sherlock. As an adult, I find him interesting… but a little dry.
The Disney Version:
No matter how old I get, I still think they did a bang-up
job of turning Sherlock into a mouse.
The RDJ Version:
I knew I’d like this version when I saw it was directed
by Guy Richie. There’s something idiotically fun about his movies and the
violence therein. When you add in the bit of steampunk flair, and Robert Downy
Junior’s silly self, it was bound to be a winner. By the time you get to the
second movie, and add in Kelly Reilly who I adore, The only complaint I have is
that there’s unlikely to be a third.
The BC Verison:
Since season three of Moffat’s modern London take on the
novels started across the pond, my tumblr feed has been inundated with spoilers
of the episodes. But since I don’t care about spoilers, I’m not upset by that.
I am among the many fans waiting patiently for some sort of streaming device to
catch up so I can get my hands on the episodes. If there’s one thing I love
about these episodes over any other version of the story, is that they’re two
hours long! This is quite honestly the version of Sherlock I’ve spent the most
time with, and I love Cubmberbatch and Freeman as Holmes and Watson. They play
off each other so well, and they are just adorable. When I found this version,
I knew I’d love it, because I’ve loved Moffat ever since I started watching
Coupling nearly 10 years ago.
THE JLM Version:
We watched this until we ditched cable, and I really
enjoyed it. I was worried, loving the Bandersnatch version as much as I do,
that I was going to be disappointed with this one. Looking back, I’m not really
sure why I was worried. I love Lucy Liu – and points to them for gender
swapping Watson – and I’m always a fan of Johnny Lee Miller. Augmenting the (now
seemingly cannon) drug addiction was an interesting choice and seems to have
given them more to play with… but as I was cut off from the series by ditching
cable, the fact that I haven’t found it streaming, and because the dvd’s of the
seasons are ridiculously priced… I’m kind of on hold with that series. Oh, and
as a last note, I’ve seen people upset by the switch to NYC, but I really don’t
notice much of a difference – other than cases involving Americans… with their
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