Friday, January 10, 2014

Winter in AZ

Winter means something entirely different to Arizona than it does to the majority of the country.

Here in Phoenix, we don’t get snow. We do get the occasional winter storm – but it’s rare. For the most part, winter is sunny. But don’t let that fool you, it still gets cold. When the sun drops out of the sky, it gets down right freezing.

The problem I have with that, is… well, I grew up with Oregon winters. Oregon’s winter is cold, gray, and wet. I love Oregon’s take on winter. It sets the tone for the darkest time of the year… and I’ve found I need that sort of gloom before I actually am able to feel the requisite “holiday cheer” for Christmas. In Arizona… I’m kind of a Grinch.

But it’s January, which means winter is almost over (unless you drive an hour and a half north – Payson will have snow for a month or two longer.). And I find that once again, I don’t really feel like we had a winter. We had a chilly spring. The sky was too blue, the sun too bright. I do not accept that I got a “winter.”

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