Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The First Week of the New Year (1/52)

I always think things are going to feel different at the beginning. But they rarely do.

The first week of January has been a bit of a rollercoaster. There was a birthday and cheesecakes. There was a major surgery in the family that went… well enough. It fixed the problem and now it’s just a matter of getting on the mend.

I tested out a “known truth” that ended up proving false. When I was in middle school/high school, I’d get these terrible migraines. And I was pretty sure it was because of the phosphoric acid in pepsi. My mom and stepdad kept cases of it around the house. And I didn’t like it all that much, but sometimes I’d drink one – if I was running out of the house or whatever. It took a while to figure out, but there was a pattern that I’d end up getting the migraine when I drank one. So I looked through the ingredients list and compared it with other things I drank that I didn’t have issue with and phosphoric acid was the only thing I could find that was out of the ordinary.

But, I drank a root beer this weekend that had the dreaded ingredient… and nothing happened. So. That’s nice. I still won’t be drinking colas (again, mostly because I don’t like them).

Also, it seems that this is the week where I officially  hit the point where the majority of my close friends have officially become the sort of adults who own houses. One just got a contract Monday, one is in the final stages of a contract, and another moved in to her first house less than a month ago! I’m super happy and excited for all of them! I just resigned a lease on my apartment, and am not looking at houses. I have too much on my plate to worry about that anyway!

I actually forgot to take this until practically the last second! 
I like to think of it as a baseline. I've done exactly nothing.

Also this week, I added some reviews to the index:

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