Thursday, May 25, 2017

Why I Haven’t Seen Logan Yet

There are three reasons I haven’t watched Logan yet (and yes, I probably will eventually. I think Earl wants to see it, but he knows how much I don’t and hasn’t pushed for us to find the time)

1) I am afraid as hell that they’re going to miss an opportunity.

I don’t need another story about the past-his-prime hero saving the girl (however old or young). And I’m worried that’s what this is going to be about--based solely on the trailer. And I’d rather just assume it’s going to let me down, rather than have it confirmed.

2) The inferred insurmountable tragedy
The trailer makes two things “clear”: Professor X is going to die; Logan is going to die. If that’s the case… I don’t really need to watch the film--after all, I’ve seen Xavier die before. If that’s not the case, the lead up is going to feel like a cheat. I wouldn’t say I’d be walking into this one bloodthirsty… but playing with emotional expectations of that variety and then saying “oh, nope! Maybe he’s not dead after all!” is a cheap parlor trick and I’m tired of it (especially since they’ve already done it with a Wolverine movie *cough* Weapon XI *cough*.)

3) I’m honestly tired of the “Put Wolverine in it” mentality.
The same thing seems to be happening with Tony in the MCU (and spiderman) and I’m pretty much over it. I’m not sure if the studios don’t think people will want to watch an XMen film without him, or what, but I’m honestly tired of him showing up everywhere.

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