Monday, January 27, 2014

Top Gear

One of the downsides to ditching cable is that you don't have the option to turn on the "tube" and having the "what's on" as a go to for those little snatches of time when you don't want to make a commitment.

We've come up with a solution for that... Top Gear.

Now... we've already seen most of the seventeen seasons currently on Hulu, but it's become that stop-gap, and we love it.

We're both car people and though - occasionally - we have to stop and look at each other with a smirk... because something happens like the time Richard Hammond COULD.NOT.WAIT. for the dodge challenger....

There's just something so perfect about those three middle aged Brits acting like total numptys. Clearly they all know a thing or two , and Jeremy is likely a douche in real life, but their challenges and schemes are ridiculous and fun. And I don't mind watching them over and over again.

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