Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Geek Girl in a New Year

A lot of stuff happened in 2013… and I expect even more will happen this year (what with getting married and all), but I’ve got a plan so I’ll be around more this year.

December got away from me (obviously). I always think I’m going to be so organized for the holiday season, and then when it gets here it’s like a mad dash to the finish. I really am going to try harder this year!

I’ll be switching to a posting schedule of MWF (with a rare exception), so hopefully that will keep me on my 2014 goal of constant posting.

Things to expect in the new year:

More geekery – I’m dedicating Mondays to “Fandom,” so I’ll be talking about the things I love.

Potentially neurotic posts – I’m sure at some point within the next three months, I’ll be on here with some sort of a rant about wedding stuff….

Copious pictures of my dog – she is, after all, the cute one in the family!
And… Me. I’m putting myself through a small challenge. One photo a week for the year… as a way to make myself care more about my own appearance – I can get to be frumpy. So, as an extra incentive to try, I’ll be posting those pictures here with my post on Wednesdays.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to the Fandom posts and neurotic wedding posts! <3
