Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I Hate the Phone

I know some people love talking on the phone. I have a coworker who is on her cellphone approximately 60% of the day. I am not one of those people.

Any other form of communication, I'm down with. But phone calls... No. Thank. You.

Every Friday, I send out three-Five completely different emails. It's how I keep in touch with family members and friends (I'd call them far flung, but I think that would apply more to me than them.) I love getting texts from my sisters and besties. But when a phone call pops up on my cell... I'd rather use pliers to remove my toenails than answer it. It doesn't matter who it is. I HATE talking on the phone.

Give me an in person conversation any day of the week. I love those. But Just don't call me.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think this also has something to do with working in a reception-type position? Because it does for me. I am so over talking to anyone on the phone, awkward goodbyes, bad connections. Blech.
