Monday, April 7, 2014

Getting Back to a New Normal

Life is weird when you're planning a wedding. Everything happens incredibly fast, and then it's all over in a snap. And boy howdy, is that a lovely feeling. 

Now that we're able to get back to the new "normal" of life (and let's be honest, it hasn't changed all that much), I'm feeling like the weight of a world is off my shoulders.

We went to the movies yesterday morning to watch Captain America- I cannot remember the last time we went to the movies... probably Thor 2*, but maybe there was something in between... Did the second Star Trek come between them? (This is how much my brain has resembled a jello mold of late)

I had issues with the movie... but at the same time, it should be really interesting to see where the movies go from here (though, I doubt that the Guardians of the Galaxy will have much to do with the aftermath of what happened in CA2, so I suppose we'll have to wait for the second Avengers, maybe?)

One of the things that has become a part of our new normal is bike rides. As our wedding present to ourselves, we bought cruisers.

Mines the Army green one in front (I bought a men's bike because I cannot stand the fact that women's bikes only come in atrociously bubblegum-like colors, and because I will never wear a skirt while riding my bike, so I don't need the lower bar.)

Phoenix is not - as far as I can tell - the most bike-friendly of cities, but we've done a few rides so far and I haven't died. Also, I was sick, so we didn't get to go too far.

Well, I should get things ready for work - after being off for a week and a half, I'm sure I'll have loads to do today. :(

*We went to Thor 2 with Earl's mom.... who told us after the movie that she'd never seen the first one, just the Avengers. Something I thought was so silly - even though I do think the first Thor was one of the weakest of this series of films (the Hulk movies are weakest, but I have a really hard time putting them in the line up at all)

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