Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Readjusting to "Normal" Life

So, I didn’t make a huge fuss about it before, but Earl and I took a lovely trip over the holiday. We left our warm, sunny home for the chilly, rainy sights of my home state: Oregon. But the meat of that story I’ll save for the four posts that are coming up! (I’m breaking them into four because they’re going to be pretty picture heavy)

But anyway, I’m back! And being back means getting back into the routine and the daily normalcy of listening to an alarm clock and going to work and remembering you’re an adult again – something I find I forget often when I have no real responsibilities to speak of!

Honestly one of the things I detest about vacation is the mess I come back to at work. It’s nothing drastic, just the little things that irk me. mostly the fact that someone else has been doing my job for days… and they’ve completely changed up parts of my system – and in some cases rearranged parts of my desk set-up. It’s a bother.

But for the most part, toward the end of the vacation, I’m ready to go home. Most people at work had something to say along the lines of “Bet you didn’t want to come back, did you?” in regards to my return. And the answer to that is… complicated. I like my routine. With the exception of a very few days (and interactions with employees who are no longer there) I like my job.  Do I occasionally wish that I didn’t have to work. Yes. But I consider myself to be very lucky to be where I am. And I don’t know about you, but traveling is dreadfully tiresome.

There is something utterly restful about sleeping in your own bed, and waking up to your own alarm… and (after this trip I can say definitively) driving your own car. Being on vacation is great. Seeing my family was fantastic! Spending some awesome alone time with Earl and seeing some really cool sides was awesome. But being home… returning to the normalcy I’m used to. Well, that does my change-disliking brain a world of good.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you had a great time visiting family, etc.

    I agree with you 100%. I love vacation, but I love coming back home/work--sleeping in my own bed, eating my regular food, exercising, writing, etc. It may be boring, but I love my routines and habits.
